Thursday, April 24, 2008

Continuing the theme...

Much like Christy and Chloe, I HATE to run, but I absolutely love bragging, er, talking about it after the fact. (If you need proof, check out the Christmas card I sent out last year!!)

I started running last January and after my first race (I jumped right in with the Cherry Blossom 10 miler) I vowed never to run anything longer than that. I went back on my word though when I registered for the St. George marathon a day later. Best/worst decision I've ever made. I've definitely become addicted to racing and hope to run a marathon every year until I die. This year it's the Marine Corp Marathon in DC. Running has literally changed my life, I can't get enough. My favorite time to run is when it's pouring rain, and I can't run without music.

Some non-running facts about me:

-I graduated from the U (GO UTES!!!) in Human Development and Family Studies. Mainly because it was the easiest major and I thought that I'd have humans to develop and my own family to study, but 6 years later I have neither. So instead I've spent the time working at the US Senate, for an eccentric lobbyist, and the coolest crew of people at an accounting firm you'll ever find. In short, having a blast.

-I am from Salt Lake, but have lived in DC for the last 6 years which has provided me with some amazing experiences and stories. Like the time I got a free week off of work because someone found ricin in the office down the hall from mine, or the time we had a serial killer on the loose in the area. Life has been exciting to say the least!

-When I'm not running or thinking about running I like to take pictures of DC with my holga camera and sleep through movies.

I am so excited for this race and to get to know all of you guys. We're going to have such a blast!!

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